Your Impact
We believe in the power of beauty and purpose. Our jewellery is not just about making a statement; it's about making a difference. Each piece we craft is a symbol of elegance, designed to celebrate your unique style while supporting a cause that truly matters.
Uzuri is working to create a new norm, where the impact is far deeper than just a quick shop. We are putting you at the heart, to fuel positivity and endless possibility.

Current organisation collaborations
Thousands of £
Donated to protect the planet
Habitando las selvas tropicales de América Central y del Sur, actualmente hay seis especies de perezosos en dos familias distintas; conocido como el de dos o tres dedos. Varios problemas amenazan el futuro de los perezosos salvajes, lo que lleva a que las poblaciones en declive ahora se observen entre múltiples especies.
Su donación ayudará a apoyar a The Sloth Conservation Foundation para continuar con muchos proyectos vitales que incluyen conectar hábitats fragmentados, crear cruces de perezosos, aislar líneas eléctricas, esterilizar perros, educación y liberar perezosos. Haga clic aquí para obtener más información.
The Sloth Conservation Foundation
The Sloth Conservation Foundation (SloCo) is a registered non-profit organisation dedicated to saving sloths in the wild, through research and conservation initiatives. To achieve this, SloCo develops long-term community-based conservation solutions that target both human and sloth populations, with the goal of developing sustainable and beneficial ways for sloths to coexist with the people sharing their habitat. SloCo was founded in 2017 and is based in the South Caribbean of Costa Rica.

Oceanic Society
Oceanic Society is America’s oldest non-profit organisation dedicated to ocean conservation. For more than 50 years, they have worked to inspire and empower people worldwide to take part in building a healthy future for the world’s oceans. Their mission is to improve ocean health by deepening the connections between people and nature to address the root cause of its decline: human behaviour. Some of their key areas of focus include sea turtle conservation, plastic pollution, climate change, sustainable seafood, access to nature and sustainable travel.
The Wildlife Trusts
The Wildlife Trusts are a federation of non-profit charities, comprised of 47 individual trusts spanning the whole of the United Kingdom. For over 100 years, they have been saving wildlife and wild places by increasing people's awareness of the natural world and strengthening our connection with it. They look after more than 2,300 nature reserves covering 98,500 hectares. We are currently donating to The Wildlife Trusts '30 by 30' inititative, which aims to protect 30% of the UK's land by 2030.

Lewa Wildlife Conservancy
The Lewa Wildlife Conservancy, based at the foothills of Mount Kenya, works as a model and catalyst for the conservation of wildlife and its habitat. They do this through the protection and management of species, the initiation and support of community conservation and development programmes, and the education of neighbouring areas in the value of wildlife. Since their establishment in 1995, their practices have resulted in thriving black rhino habitat and populations, which in turn has created a robust ecosystem for a multitude of species including the endangered Grevy’s zebra, elephant, lion, cheetah, giraffe and more.